Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Caught Looking Goofy

         It's that time of year again.  School pictures are coming home and I get to see just how goofy my kids managed to look this year.  I have many of my own school pictures and most of them should be burned - they are soooo embarressing. Big plastic blue glasses, a bad hair cut, aweful clothes......  I have some of Hubby's too; let me tell you, when I first looked at both of ours I was a little concerned about what our kids would look like.
        Thankfully, we made pretty cute kids.  But cute kids can make weird faces as good as the rest of them.  I can't tell you how many pictures I can't use because one of the three of them is making a face.  Well, there was also that period where my oldest tried to look all gangster in every photo and ended up looking like he had no control over his limbs and was in pain - but we won't go there.
         I get handed the first envelope and with a deep breath I open it up. Wonder of Wonders! It is the best picture I've ever seen of my youngest son! He looks positively angelic! I am so thrilled!  With a lighter heart I open the second envelope. And........ there it is. Chin down, eyebrows raised, biting his top lip and crinkling his chin. My oldest's pictures are not going to be able to be passed around. Thank goodness for re-takes.
        I haven't seen my daughter's yet...........I hope she wasn't caught looking goofy.

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  1. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You :-)

