Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What should I do?

Part of trying to have new experiences means you are gonna have some bad ones.  I've made bad friend choices (shudder), bad food choices (yuck!), bad job choices (sigh).... But, at least they are all learning experiences, right?  So now I want to know: what are some things I should try? I'm into food, travel, sports, extreme rides, awesome views, good books, good movies.  Just trying to minimize the bad experiences. And, I figure one thing it never hurts to try is - listening to good advice! Hehe. Anyway, where should I go? what do I need to see? What do I absolutaly need to try?


  1. Visit at least 20 different countries. I'm at number 15 :) This is definitely one of my most important goals on "the list".

    Also, do an extreme sport. Bungee jump, sky dive.

    Read 100 classic books.

    Learn to make a KILLER meal.

    Oh so much! :) The possibilities are endless, really.

  2. Learn some different languages.

    Get a part in a movie, even if it is being an extra.

    Start a garden.

    Learn to play an instrument.

    Like Annah said, the possibilities are endless :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. the most easiest is to create a list of things that you would absolutely not do and once your done - go back and read it. ask yourself, why not? and work around it :D

