Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Let's Face It, You're A Little Doughy

          We were sitting on the couch yesterday evening prior to going to the gym and we were talking about Hubby changing up his workout. Our daughter who was in the room turns to Hubby and says, "Let's face it, you're a little doughy." This just cracked me up much to the dismay of Hubby. The truth is, he isn't. He is a very solid 235lbs.  He's not extremely cut up but even through a shirt you can see he is all muscle. I discovered later that it was a line from the Hannah Montana show.  This isn't the first time she has thrown lines from a show at us. And each time it seems to be a perfect fit to the situation.  Last spring when my allergies were bad she told me, "zip it drippy, no one cares" (also a line from Hannah Montana).  For the amount of TV shows on we don't let them watch all that many, Wizards of Waverly Place, Phineas and Ferb, Hannah Montana, Sweet Life on Deck and Scooby-Doo about sum it up. I confess to being a fan of Wizards and Phineas and Ferb myself.  We are so busy that they don't watch these all that often yet it apears that when we do it is making an impression. Enough of one at least for her to remember lines and use them in the correct context later on.  It makes me wonder just how much kids are picking up from TV and video games and, well, life.

1 comment:

  1. I have the same concerns...Kids are like little sponges...and I think our kidlets watch the same shows!
