Thursday, October 14, 2010

Shotgun in hand............

I'm afraid to knock on my neighbor's doors.  I know they are waiting for me shotgun in hand.  They know why I am knocking. I want their money, every last dollar I can wring from them.  I will take it all with a smile on my face trying to convince them they want me to have it. It's fundraiser time.

The football and cheerleaders are selling raffle tickets (this means I have to sell twice as many). The cub scouts are selling popcorn tins (Again, I have two in scouts).  The school sent them home telling them to get pledges for sports day (that's three kids needing pledges) and, this means I don't even have anything to give to these poor people! Dance is selling candles. It doesn't end!  

I don't want to go to the store for fear I will see a familiar face ducking down the cereal isle. I walk my dogs with head bowed as neighbors peak behind curtains with baited breathe praying I'll pass.  My texts asking to meet for a coffee go unanswered - they think it a ploy. 

I can't really blame them. I'd avoid me too. I'm done. I quit. When it comes to fundraising I will never be the "perfect" mom and my kids will never win a prize for most earned. But I might need to put out a white flag announcing my surrender, my withdrawal from the fundraiser race. Because the next time I need to borrow an egg I don't want to be met by a suspicious neighbor, shotgun in hand...........

1 comment:

  1. You should go over and do something nice. x]
    Like give them a plate of homemade cookies and assure them that they're free. :D
