Friday, October 1, 2010

With a Dash of Karma

           I'm a Christian but there is something to be said for karmic retribution.  When I was in Basic Training I was put in charge of my Flight. Two other girls did not take kindly to this and devised a plan to get me booted back a week. It worked. Not only was I sent back but I was taunted by all the instructors, I lost all privileges, my mail was tossed instead of given to me. I was also required to do twice as much P.T. as the rest of my new flight. I was even alienated by my new group. It was discovered too late that they had set it up and I could not be moved back up though my treatment did change slightly for the better. It worked out. I ended up setting records for the female run and push-ups. I gained the respect of my new T.I.s for handling everything with dignity and was honored by being picked to sing the National Anthem at our graduation.  I bet you are wondering what this has to do with karma. 
 A week prior to my graduation, when my old flight was graduating I saw the two girls. They both had all their long hair chopped within two inches of their scalp and had plastic shower caps on their heads. They had gotten head lice during their field week.  Aaaah, sweet retribution.
          I always try to remember this when things go wrong for me. I know their is justice in the universe. And good karma, just like bad, will come back to you.
         My neighbor and I recently got into a bit of a disagreement.  It was a silly matter of me trying to change something in consideration of people driving in front of our houses.  She got nasty and I dropped it. To make a long story short we haven't spoken since.  Yesterday the bus came early and she was not home to pick up her daughter. I held the bus for her.  She now feels so awful for how she treated me that she is being super sweet and even offering to do things for me.  Sweet justice. I'm wondering how much I can take advantage of this before I swing the karmic pendulum the other way.........................? 


  1. It's nice when things seem to balance out, isn't it. I have written about karma on my blog, but with rather a different opinion I'm afraid.

    What about when one has bad fortune, should it be assumed that every car crash victim or cancer patient is simply being paid back for a previous wrong doing?

    I don't think karma exists, just good fortune and bad. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be distributed evenly.

  2. I don't think karma is the beginning and end of everything that is dished out over the course of one's life but I do think there are moments that feel like karmic retribution. Hence my title :-D
